Hey Loves!
I decided to get crafty and created a Pin Board a little while ago to hang jewelry, cards and cute things I collect along the way. So I headed over to Michael’s Arts & Craft and got it crackin’. Here is the play-by play in case you would like to DIY.
Here are the items you’ll need:
Frame with Backing/Hanging Piece Spray Paint (Optional) Staple Gun Fabric Fabric Scissors Glue Gun (Optional)
First, measure the cork and the fabric. Be sure to leave extra fabric so when it’s time to staple it you won’t be short on fabric. Should you have excess fabric you can simply cut it off.
After measuring your fabric and cork. It’s time to snip away. Evenly, cut the fabric and begin to fold the ends in preparation to staple gun it.
Ok be very careful with this. I underestimated this light weight gun I bought from A.C. Moore. It packs a powerful punch. Make sure your feet and eyes are not in close range, sounds sort of impossible but you get the idea. Tip: You can use boutonniere pins to hold the fabric in place before stapling.
There you have it! It looks wonderful- not quite yet…Snap your fabric and cork into the frame and voila a masterpiece has been made by you!
I sprayed my frame Aqua Blue outside in the yard. Be sure to do it on the grass so you won’t stain concrete or wooden areas as I did. =)

I hung mine near my vanity station.
Lots of love to you on this post-storm Thursday. It was raining like crazy up here yesterday.