Hey Loves! Wish you all had a blast this weekend. Summer weekends are the best and I’m still new to blogging so I’m still amazed how we can diary our adventures and connect on so many levels from all around the country and world.
Friday I went out with a bunch of lovely ladies to the city for Sushi in celebration of Reina’s bday. Oh and Liam Neeson and the old lady from Titanic were sitting right next to us!! He was with his family so I did my best not to stare too much(which I suck at). The benefit of being a half New Yorker- stargazing!
What was the highlight of your weekend?!
Quality pool time with my friend Monica who refused to be photgraphed =)
I’m taking up sewing classes
Do I have any Magnolia Bakery fans out there?!
Getting ready to hit up the City
Celebrating Lovely Reina
Sushi at Ambers on the UWS P.S. welcome to all my new friends who decided to join the blog. Looking forward to getting to know you and having fun with my next giveaway in July. Woot! xo